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To show your products to users we need you to add your products to Foroodja. Adding a product to Foroodja will be very easy and straightforward just a few steps. To know how more effective can be your presence in Foroodja please look at ‘Get more out of your store‘ page or contact us.

The first step will be to click add product button on the main page.

Main Page

On the first page of the adding a product, you will see a notification that would tell you there is no back step, or you will need to start again. Then make sure all your information and images are ready to add.

Gather all information you need.

When you add your store to Foroodja, it asked you about your products’ category, in this step it will show the category you selected before.

Now you can select a sub-category for this product you are willing to add. Just click one, and it will go automatically to the next step.

Choose Subcategory

If you want to add any offers on this page you can select none, one, or all. This will show to the user as you select here.

The next step is Gender selection, if this product is for special gender choose one otherwise choose ‘No Preferences’.

The next one is to select the age for the product. If there is not a specific age select ‘No Preferences’.

Now you need to add some details and add at least an image to the product. To add an image you can push the ‘Add an Image’ button. It will ask you about the source the image will come from. You can take a picture from the mobile camera and add it to the product or if you have an image already just choose from Gallery and choose the image.

You will need to grant permission to take a picture or use your picture from Gallery and then upload it. It will show on the product’s detail page. Now you can add a new image or add more details for the product. Please add as many details as you can add but make sure to be right and not too much. Please check ‘Get more out of your store‘ page.

If you push submit button you will get a confirmation your product was added successfully. And now you can add another product the same way.

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